Cash Sniper Review: Scam Or Guaranteed $3,500/Day In Revenue?

cash sniper review scam or legit

Have you read a good Cash Sniper Review lately? You have one here.

It will cover an online platform allowing its members to earn over $3,000 daily from affiliate sales. Can you trust such a statement?

While making $1,000 daily through affiliate marketing is a routine for many, you’ll need a solid strategy to achieve the same results. Is Cash Sniper the right advisor to help you create such a strategy?

That’s what you’ll find out today. In addition, I’ll also tell you all about:

  • What is Cash Sniper?
  • How does it work?
  • Can you make money with Cash Sniper?
  • And is Cash Sniper legit or a scam?

Disclaimer: I’m not an affiliate of Cash Sniper. The facts you’ll read come from research on information available in the public domain.

Cash Sniper Review: The Basics

cash sniper review: introduction to the product

Firstly, the official website we’ll discuss today is I’m not providing you with a link for reasons that will become obvious as this article unfolds.

Of course, feel free to visit the official page on your own. Although, I would strongly encourage you not to do that, at least for the next ten minutes.

But let me start from the beginning and give the platform the introduction it deserves:

Cash Sniper is an online earning system that is currently selling on ClickBetter. The name of its creator is Ray Pickard. We’ll talk a lot about him a bit later.

Before we do that, you should know one essential fact about the program:

Anyone can use Cash Sniper to make money online by doing affiliate marketing. Since the product is for complete beginners, you’ll still be able to earn tons of cash fast, even with no experience.

That sounds perfect – maybe a bit too perfect to be believable? Let’s not be naysayers until we have an undeniable reason for that, shall we?

Is Cash Sniper Legit?

Chances are, some of you already checked the online reviews of any system or product you’re thinking of buying. However, a lot of people don’t have that habit.

By all means, you should never spend much money on anything before researching it well first. That rule applies to Cash Sniper, too:

Assuming this is not the first Cash Sniper review you’re reading, you must be fighting confusion right now. After all, the search engines are currently introducing you to similar content about Google Sniper, Google Cash Sniper, and Affiliate Cash Snipers.

These programs have similar names, but they’re separate products. I plan to cover only Cash Sniper – feel free to search for answers about the others elsewhere.

So, is Cash Sniper a legitimate earning system? The product has a refund policy, and the existence of a money-back guarantee doesn’t allow me to call it a scam.

Still, that’s not enough to convince you to invest in it. Those who want to earn a full-time income via online marketing should keep reading for the full scoop.

What Is Cash Sniper?

Quite frankly, watching the sales video is not an activity I would advise you to do – it would waste 15 minutes of your time you could never have back.

Believe it or not, that’s not the worst thing – everything you know about the product after seeing the pitch would be the same as before watching it.

With that said, I’m doing a Cash Sniper review here, and it will provide you with a detailed overview of what the product is:

It’s an online earning platform anyone can use to start making money using the affiliate marketing business model.

Even if you have no marketing experience, the system will allow you to take home over $3,000 at the end of the day. According to the creator, that’s how fast Cash Sniper is.

He’ll also tell you that his program has helped nearly 60 people to earn $100,000 in the past 30 days. And the best thing about it is that you’ll be able to repeat their monetary success by working 10-15 minutes daily.

Well, what do we have here? We’re looking at a system that can help you build passive income automatically and turn you into a self-made millionaire.

You know, just like the Million Dollar Replicator, Millionaire Society, and Easy Retired Millionaire promise to do.

Interesting. Let’s look deeper then, shall we?

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Inside Cash Sniper

what is cash sniper and how does it work

So far, we have a revolutionary new product that earns cash for its members lightning fast. As you can see, the Sniper Site wants you to see it as somewhat of a free online casino anyone can enter to grab money and boost their bank account.

When you join Cash Sniper and become a student, you’ll receive access to the members’ area of the system. Before you manage to look around, you’ll have to face the first of many exclusive invitations to take your newly created business up a notch:

That invitation is about joining the VIP Members Workshop. While the name sounds cool, underneath it, you’ll find nothing other than John Crestani’s course – the Super Affiliate System.

This training offers a certain amount of value but also costs quite a lot of money. You’re not on to a great start, are you?

Assuming that you’ll let the bitter taste in your mouth go, you’re now ready to see the content of your wealth-building system, correct? Unfortunately, here is where things will go from bad to worse:

Purchasing Cash Sniper will bring you four products – Main Guide, Secret Method, X, and Profit Booster. And they don’t operate as they are supposed to:

How Does Cash Sniper Work?

By all means, it’s time for my Cash Sniper review to show you the only thing that will determine its value – the core elements. One would expect each of them will lead you to its training area, where you can learn the earning process inside and out.

However, you must adjust your expectations once again:

There is no detailed business education, valuable insights, or video tutorials. Instead, there are four links you can click that will lead you to the sections of the program.

These sections are downloadable PDF files:

  • Main Guide: The Main Guide is a basic overview of affiliate marketing. Don’t expect any exclusive marketing strategies or hacks – there is none.
  • Secret Method: That PDF covers starting a blog, building an email list, and using Social Media for your business. Plus, there is some info about traffic generation, but it only covers paid methods.
  • Cash Sniper X: Cash Sniper X will teach you how to launch a YouTube channel and monetize it with affiliate links.
  • Profit Booster: Expect to gain some understanding about working with Amazon’s affiliate program. Also, the PDF contains info about choosing a web hosting provider and domain name.

And that is it – the basic info of these 4 PDFs will allegedly earn you more than $3,500 in affiliate commissions.

Can You Make Money With Cash Sniper?

Well, what do you think?

You read a lot of facts in this Cash Sniper review. A minute ago, you saw what the core elements of your money-making machine are.

So, do you see yourself becoming a millionaire after purchasing the program? While a debate is happening in your mind, here is an interesting fact you might want to consider before making a decision:

One of the teaching guides you’ll find inside Cash Sniper recommends an offline promotion of Amazon. In other words, the system will prompt you to promote Amazon products via email marketing.

Those without experience might think – great, what’s wrong with that? There is a lot wrong with that:

According to the official policy, Amazon prohibits product links directly in emails. Long story short, Cash Sniper advises you to work not just in an unethical manner but in an illegal one, too.

Related: The Worst Affiliate Marketing Mistakes Most People Make

The Issues With Cash Sniper: Red Flags To Consider

1) Cash Sniper Is An Outdated System With No Real Value

I mean, did you take it seriously? How could an online marketer believe anything the sales pages have to say?

After all, beginner affiliates would never earn $3,500 a day – making that much requires a lot of time and hard work. Subsequently, the program can’t deliver on its promises of guaranteed profit.

Unfortunately, Cash Sniper is a get-rich-quick scheme that doesn’t work. Furthermore, all it can give you is a couple of outdated PDFs containing the info you can find online for free.

2) The Income Claims Are Outrageous

cash sniper review: fake income claims

Generally, members will become quite wealthy in less than a year – that’s the first thing the sales pitch wants you to focus on.

Don’t get me wrong – making over $3,000 a day in affiliate commissions is possible. I’m sure some marketers are achieving even better numbers.

However, I doubt they started hitting their affiliate goals after joining Cash Sniper. Creating a solid platform that will allow you to earn a full-time income through affiliate marketing takes time, effort, and high-quality training material.

3) The Testimonials Are Scripted

A quick question:

What do you think happens when you create an online system and no one is willing to glorify it?

Placing testimonials on your sales page will validate the quality of your product – that’s a fact. But what if no student wants to attach their name to a statement that aims to influence other potential students?

I believe the program has no real students, but that’s not the point my Cash Sniper review wants to make. No, the point is Cash Sniper pays actors from Fiverr to pose as satisfied customers and to talk about lucrative paychecks they never really received.

It’s sad and pathetic, but it happens with the get-rich-quick schemes.

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4) The Success Stories Are Fake

And that is a surprise to absolutely no one whatsoever.

Think about it – if the testimonials are fake, it’s safe to conclude that the success stories would be too. They are:

the success stories of cash sniper are fake

How do I know that? There is this thing called reverse Google image search, and it comes in handy every time I’m writing a review on a low-quality system.

None of the people you see above enjoys the status of a millionaire. Instead, the images come from websites that sell stock photography.

In other words, Cash Sniper hasn’t turned ordinary people into millionaires and never will – the product title doesn’t justify its content.

5) There Are Upsells

OK, I’ll tell you all about them in just a minute. Why do such upsells even exist when the core product offers no value?

They won’t do anything to help you increase your earnings or develop your business. After reading another free report on Cash Sniper or visiting similar web pages, you can probably guess that the upgrades are available to earn more money for the owner.

Nevertheless, even if you buy Cash Sniper, don’t waste your money on its upgrades. I don’t know why you would invest in it after reading this Cash Sniper review!

6) Ray Pickard Is A Pen Name

Another sign that you’re dealing with a scam is the usage of a pen name.

During the official presentation, the spokesperson introduces himself as Ray Pickard. He claims to be the owner of the product.

who is Ray Pickard

Well, that’s not true:

After careful research (on both a desktop and a mobile device), I couldn’t find proof that Ray Pickard is the creator of Cash Sniper. No photo or personal information about him on the website exists to confirm his identity.

As I said, the people behind the product have picked a random pen name and are using it to hide the person responsible for Cash Sniper.

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Cash Sniper Cost And Price Structure

Currently, the official price of Cash Sniper is $9. However, you already know that there are upsells available as well:

  • 1st Upsell – $197. (In case you decide to pass on it, a possibility for a discount will appear – $50 less.)
  • 2nd Upsell – $177.
  • 3rd Upsell – $67.

Here is what you need to know about these upsells:

Don’t picture them as upgrades that will deliver extra value because that’s not what they are. You see, the price of Cash Sniper starts from $9. It’s that cheap for a reason – to lure as many people in as possible.

Once you’re a member, the people behind the product will push all these upsells down your throat.  After all, the upsells are nothing other than a sales funnel. Using sales funnels is how the owners of low-quality earning platforms make their money.

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Is Cash Sniper A Scam? Is Cash Sniper Worth It?

I would love to tell you that Cash Sniper is a scam, but I can’t do that – the product comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.

If a system offers you a way to receive your investment back, you have no choice but to see it as legit.

thumb down

Still, you can think of it as one, and I would strongly encourage you to do so.

While Cash Sniper uses a legitimate business model (affiliate marketing), its value is non-existent. Generally, no done-for-you system or a piece of software can earn you thousands of dollars on autopilot.

That’s the essential information I want you to take away from this Cash Sniper review. Feel free to research the product further – the Warrior Forum offers content you might want to read.

Other Teaching Platforms To Consider:

An Alternative To Profit Online

Do you want to earn an online income as an affiliate marketer? Great, and what’s stopping you?

Why do you think you need crappy products like Cash Sniper to help you make money from home? Will they help you if you face any technical issues?

After reading this Cash Sniper review until now, you should know that you’re better off without the program. So much valuable information about working online exists on Google or YouTube for free.

Start going through it today, and you’ll see many ways to earn extra cash, even as a beginner. What if you need more than extra cash?

Then I would advise you to read my Guide To Building A Successful Online Business. The guide contains the necessary steps you’ll need to take to become a business owner alone.

It comes from my own experience – read it now to find out how I launched and developed the business you’re currently on.

My Closing

I have to bring this Cash Sniper review to its natural end. With that said, the conversation is never over on this blog:

If you have any questions about the product or the online business, leave them in the comments section. I’ll answer them the first chance I get.

Remember, you don’t need Cash Sniper to develop a profitable online endeavor – you can manage that without it!

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