100 Best Small Business Ideas You Can Start For Little Money

100 best small business ideas you can start for little to no money

Brace yourself – a massive list of small business ideas is coming today.

If you’re researching the top ideas for successful businesses, you must be thinking of finally launching one yourself. Don’t listen to what most people are saying:

Yes, starting a business from scratch is scary for people with no experience. But it’s also exciting and will change your life if you do it right.

Before you make a single move, you need to learn which business ideas have a higher earning potential. And that’s what we’ll discuss today.

This post contains affiliate links – read my affiliate disclosure.

I Want To Start A Business, But I Have No Ideas

I want to start a business but I have no ideas

Does that thought sound familiar to you?

Chances are, it does. Then again, most people who already own businesses know that feeling.

Picking the perfect business idea for you is a challenging task. However, you can’t begin anything until you complete it.

Here are a couple of questions you need to ask yourself while you brainstorm ideas for a business:

  • What do I love talking about?
  • Do I have decent skills and knowledge of my favorite topic?
  • Who is my ideal customer?
  • Is there a large enough pool of potential clients my business will serve?

Assuming you have an answer to these questions, you’re ready to start building a business. Maybe you’re not there yet?

In that case, the one thing you might need is a bit of inspiration. I have tons of that for you, so let’s get started, shall we?

Top Profitable Businesses Ideas: Small Business Ideas List

1) Consulting Business

Generally, every person is knowledgeable on at least one subject. It doesn’t matter what that subject might be – there will always be several people who would like to learn about it.

With that said, sharing your expertise with others is a lucrative business idea you’ll greatly profit from once you develop it. Don’t hesitate to launch a consulting business if you’re passionate about its topic.

Such a venture has unlimited growth potential – you might even have to hire other consultants when the business takes off!

2) IT Consulting

Let’s narrow the consulting subject down to IT:

This business idea will appeal to people with computer experience or a background in other types of technology. Is that you?

Then, you can start an IT business on a low budget and with fewer resources. Doing so will allow you to offer remote services – that means flexible working hours.

3) App Development

By all means, app development is not a good idea for everybody since it’s not for people without experience or tech skill set. Be that as it may, developing apps (or video games) more than deserves a place on this list of small business ideas:

Millions of people worldwide use smartphones every day. That explains the never-stopping demand for mobile apps.

App development tends to get expensive and requires tons of marketing, but it’s still worth the shot if you can manage it as your own boss.

4) Website Development

These days, most physical businesses have a presence online. The ones that don’t most likely don’t know their way around a website builder.

That’s where you’ll come in:

With over 170 sites arriving online every minute, you can imagine the monetary potential of the website development business. I can’t see a scenario where you’ll be short on potential clients!

5) Graphic Design Business

Graphic design is one of these small business ideas with a close connection to web development:

Individuals who need someone to create a website will also need someone to design it.

You can start offering graphic design services even if your skills are not on a professional level yet:

Most free YouTube tutorials will help you polish your talent and join all graphic designers who are in high demand.

6) Design and Sell Print-On-Demand T-Shirts

Another way to earn from your designing skills is by starting a print-on-demand business.

Print-on-demand is a business model where inventory, shipping, and order fulfillment are not your responsibilities:

Your printing partner company will take care of all that.

Believe it or not, all you need to focus on is creating gorgeous designs for T-shirts and marketing your products to a large client base.

7) Offer Digital Marketing Services

Digital marketing is one of the most profitable small businesses for anyone who wants to earn a living from content creation. Professionals who work as digital marketers are constantly in demand:

Considering digital marketing is crucial for finding success in the business world, offering such services is a great idea. Don’t try your luck in the field unless your digital marketing abilities are impressive.

I suggest looking into Digital Marketing Career Blueprint – online training that helps digital marketers better themselves.

8) Social Media Management

social media management

Social Media is an inseparable part of most people’s lives nowadays.

At the same time, businesses count on it to increase their social media presence and brand awareness. They often hire someone to do it for them.

Social Media managers reply to comments, work to increase the number of followers, engage with the audience, and perform a few other tasks.

If that’s something you can manage, offering Social Media management is worth your time.

9) SEO Consulting

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s optimizing a web page to rank well on the search engines for a specific keyword.

Knowing SEO inside and out will put you in a position to demand thousands of dollars in exchange for your expertise.

As I’ve mentioned, thousands of blogs find their way online daily.

Many small business owners behind those sites don’t have the first clue about doing proper SEO, so you have an enormous pool of clients.

10) Video Production

Chances are, you’re well aware that video as a content form is increasing in popularity by the minute. Nowadays, Internet users prefer to watch than read.

Is shooting, cutting, and editing a video one of those things you do best?

Then, video content creators should launch a business and monetize their skills. Such a venture can be a side hustle or a great way to develop a profitable business to surpass your full-time income.

Once you decide this is the type of service you want to offer, you can look for a potential client base on social media platforms or relevant online forums.

11) YouTube Channel

Assuming that video production is your strongest suit, I have to mention the possibility of starting, developing, and monetizing a YouTube channel.

Yes, we’re talking about vlogging here.

You can make money from YouTube videos in different ways – affiliate marketing, displaying ads, sponsored content, etc. Also, you don’t have to show your face to be successful on YouTube:

Tools like Speechelo provide an excellent opportunity for shy people who dream of being vloggers. Learn how to use Speechelo to turn your YouTube channel into your new business.

12) Podcasting

I’m moving the conversation to a podcast while still working on the angle of opportunities that don’t require posing for the camera:

Podcasting is one of the hottest business trends in recent years, and I doubt that will change soon.

While jumping into this field requires an initial investment (audio equipment and editing software), moving forward with it is something you won’t regret.

Both Google and YouTube offer tons of content to guide you through your journey to becoming a successful podcaster.

13) Public Relations (PR) Agency

Launching a PR agency will not work unless you have extensive experience and expertise in the field.

Those of you with a background in PR should seriously consider the option, though:

Businesses of all sizes constantly hire PR specialists to help them with their image.

Networking will play a massive role here, so you might want to start it now if offering PR services is a done deal for you.

14) Accounting/Bookkeeping Small Business Ideas

Owning a CPA license means that you can take your expertise online and begin offering accounting and bookkeeping services.

No business can function properly and efficiently if its finances are in disorder.

I don’t have to mention again how many new businesses arrive online daily, right?

In other words, you can find plenty of work and high-paying opportunities in the accounting and bookkeeping business world. Spare some time to learn about the necessary permits you must acquire to launch such a business.

15) Tax Consulting

small business ideas from home tax consulting business

Similarly to the previous entry on my list, tax consulting is suitable for CPA professionals.

But here, you’ll focus all your attention specifically on taxes:

Most business owners find handling their taxes challenging, and you’ll earn a lot to get this part of the job off their hands.

Tax consultants and advisors are often necessary all year round, so I don’t see you unemployed once you develop that kind of business.

16) Business Planning Services

By all means, no list of best small business ideas will be complete without a business planning venture.

If you already have a successful business, you must know enough about crafting a business plan. Why would you keep such knowledge to yourself?

Share it with aspiring new entrepreneurs and get paid generously in the process:

Writing a business plan is crucial for the success of every business, so doing it for others is a great option to boost your income tremendously.

17) Freelance Writing/Copywriting

Every piece of content that goes online needs a writer to create it.

That’s why freelance writing and copywriting are some of the most lucrative niches you can get into to launch a business.

Offering writing services can earn you extra money until your skills become professional.

Hundreds of online platforms will pay you to write, even if you’re a beginner. Consider going through a top-notch writing course to accelerate your development as a freelance writer and copywriter.

18) Online Tutoring Services

I would guess that you know how popular online tutoring is right now. Can you handle it?

Great, then prepare to earn quite well for your tutoring services:

Professional tutors can make a full-time income from such activity. For instance, you can control your schedule, work your own hours, and spend more time with friends and loved ones.

19) Online Transcription Services

Transcription is a good business idea for anyone who enjoys transforming audio or video files into written documents.

Doing so part-time will earn you a nice extra income, but that’s not the best part about it:

Ultimately, offering transcription services can become a whole online business. After all, there is no shortage of new clients willing to pay you for transcription work.

20) Online Translating Services

Are you bilingual? It’s great if you are.

But I hope you don’t use your skills for casual translation sometimes – you can do so much more than that. Put them to good use when you launch an online translating business.

Translation is a niche market – finding your target audience and customer base will not take as long time as you might think.

Small Business Ideas That Require Initial Investment And Start-Up Costs

21) Jewelry Making Business

First and foremost, you shouldn’t go into the jewelry-making business unless you have a talent. Assuming some of you do, you’ll be glad to find out there is a high demand for handmade jewelry.

Currently, many online platforms will allow you to start selling your jewelry. Some of the most popular are Etsy and eBay.

An alternative way to sell your jewelry pieces is by offering them on the local market.

22) Make And Sell Crafts

Since we’re still on the subject of creating things to sell, I have to mention the crafts. No matter what kind of crafts you make, you can find clients who will pay well for them.

Again, I would suggest visiting Etsy and opening an online store. List your crafts, optimize your products with keywords, and promote them on your Social Media accounts to boost your sales.

Another great place to sell handmade crafts is your own website. Offering your products on both Etsy and your blog is a good option to build a bigger online presence and attract more customers.

23) Coffee Shop

open a coffee shop

OK, it’s time for my list of small business ideas to present you with an option for a physical business – opening a coffee shop.

While you may love the idea, you should prepare to face much competition in this field.

I’m not saying that you should back off from the opportunity. However, careful business planning must happen before renting a suitable space for your dream coffee shop.

24) Custom T-Shirt Business

Above all, you can make more than a little money if you develop a successful custom T-shirt business.

As you can imagine, this is one of those businesses that allow you to sell both online and locally.

If you don’t want to sell your custom T-shirts online, you can do that in your area of residence. That will save you renting expenditures, and you can run the business from home.

25) Renting Bicycles/Bicycles Repair

Renting bicycles is one of those small business ideas most people underestimate.

Dealing with bicycles might not be the most exciting way to spend time. Be that as it may, you can still turn it into a profitable venture if you put some initial work first.

Try to find ways to satisfy your potential customers by offering incentives your competitors do not.

26) Bakery Home-Based Business

Is baking the secret weapon your guests always express admiration for?

Then, a home bakery business seems like the right fit for you.

You can sell locally and online. Also, you can expand such a business if you publish a recipe book once your new career takes off.

27) Catering Small Business Ideas

Until we’re on the culinary note, let’s discuss catering for a minute, shall we?

Starting a catering service is a great small business idea if you dream of being your boss while doing what you love.

Here, your initial investment will go over a few hundred dollars. Launching a catering business is way cheaper than opening a restaurant, though.

28) Bed And Breakfast

Cute B and Bs are never going out of style, in my opinion.

Going into the bed and breakfast industry can be profitable, but you shouldn’t do it with the wrong expectations. Besides, there are a lot of expenses to consider here – cleaning, renovations, staff salaries, etc.

Maybe you can manage all that? Fantastic, then bed and breakfast it is!

29) Clothing Boutique

If you live for fashion, opening a clothing boutique will be a dream come true.

Selling clothes online and locally will double your odds of success. Your boutique might fail if you skip in-depth competition research and market analysis.

But if you’re sure there is a large enough pool of buyers for the clothes you plan to sell, I don’t see anything standing in your way.

30) Art Online Business Ideas

Are there any artists reading this article on small business ideas? Hopefully, some of you use your artistic abilities for more than a creative outlet:

Do you have an online store that showcases your artwork already? Shopify will let you launch a webshop for $1 – that’s how much its trial costs for the first few months.

Once you finish the trial, you must pay to keep your art store, but the plans are more than affordable.

31) Flower Shop

Are you fond of the idea of opening a floral shop?

Flowers make great gifts, and there is always an occasion to present your loved ones with a gift, isn’t there?

Even if you plan to sell flowers locally, you’ll still need to create a website where clients can see your floral arrangements. You never know how your next customer is going to find you!

32) Daycare Business

providing childcare services is one of the best small business ideas

According to the statistics, nearly 60% of parents in the USA rely on childcare services.

So, if you’re thinking about opening a child care, you’re going in the right direction business-wise.

Generally, you need a license to work as a childcare provider. Check the law in your state and take it from there.

33) Party Planning Business

Quite frankly, a party planning business may serve all kinds of clients.

For example, you can get hired as a party planner for kids’ birthdays and office group celebrations.

A party planning venture is one of those businesses where you can start small and grow it into a whole empire. You’ll need more than a tiny start-up investment to launch such a business, so plan it carefully.

34) Ice Cream Shop

Who doesn’t love ice cream, right?

Following this trail of thought will lead you to the conclusion that the number of your future customers will be unlimited.

More importantly, you’ll not go broke if you decide to spend your time selling ice cream.

Your sales during wintertime will be on the lower end – you’ll need to pencil that in while you still plan the business.

35) Laundromat Business

Heads up – developing a laundromat business can become a passive income stream. After all, doing laundry and getting clothes cleaned is something people can’t avoid.

Moving into the laundromat business requires a hefty start-up investment and much effort.

Whether you will start this business from scratch or purchase an existing one, go through the numbers carefully.

36) Event Space Business

Devote some time and take a good look at your local market:

Is there a high demand for corporate events, fundraisers, and weddings? If yes, you know there is room for a brand new event space hosting business corporate clients can hire.

A piece of advice – consider offering planning services to increase your earnings.

37) Furniture Building/Woodworking

Do you know your way around wood? Then what’s stopping you from starting a wood furniture building business?

Feel free to give it a try in your spare time at first.

Once your own small business gains the necessary exposure, it might become your new full-time income source.

38) Hardware Store

Everyone has no choice but to do a spring cleaning or home project.

That’s where your hardware store will come in – to serve those people and make you money from satisfying their needs.

Offering your expertise on home repairs will earn you devoted customers. Shopping tools locally will provide them with everything they need faster.

39) Professional Organizing Small Business Ideas

professional organizing small business ideas

Many people can’t help themselves – organizing is in their DNA.

Starting a professional organizing business must be your calling if that describes you.

Less is more, and downsizing/organizing has much to do with it. Teach people how to make their living space comfortable, and they’ll gladly pay for your service.

40) Invest In Vending Machines

According to the statistics, the global vending machine market will reach nearly $150 billion by 2027.

No, that’s not a typo – we’re talking about billions of dollars and not millions.

Investing in vending machines is a great business idea for anyone dreaming of becoming a successful entrepreneur.

Top 10 Small Business Ideas With Enormous Income Potential

41) Real Estate

Say what you will, but real estate is always one of the industries with an incredible potential money-wise.

Especially considering there are many ways to make money in the field.

For example, you can work as a real estate agent, start your real estate agency, assist businesses in finding office space, etc.

Get the necessary preparation and training – the completion you’ll face is more than formidable!

42) Dropshipping/eCommerce Business

Dropshipping is a business model where you sell products you don’t keep in stock.

More importantly, dropshipping is the kind of business you can start with no money. Use Shopify to launch a store without paying much money upfront.

Nowadays, dropshipping is one of the most lucrative small business ideas you can develop into a money-making machine.

Related Read:

43) Online Reselling Business

To sum up, you can buy and resell any product you like.

Clothing seems like the most obvious choice for such a business. Brace yourself, though:

Developing an online reselling business to the point where it will bring you money passively takes tons of hard work and dedication.

44) Create Digital Products To Sell

Creating and selling digital products belongs to the best online business ideas for beginners.

You may wonder – why this business is suitable for newbies. Well, it is because tons of free tutorials online will walk you through the working process.

Planners, calendars, printables – pick a digital product to create and get to work!

45) Offer Online Courses

While an online course falls into the category of digital products, I’m giving it a separate paragraph:

It more than deserves special attention.

No matter what you’re an expert in, use that knowledge and transform it into an online course. There are plenty of platforms where you can list your online course for sale.

46) Start A Blog

launching a blog is the best small business to start

Let’s admit it – no list of small business ideas will be complete without the option of starting a blog.

Launching a website has tons of benefits. Plus, you can find many resources to show you how to turn blog posts into income sources.

Nowadays, you can start a blog with low investment:

Getting web hosting with SiteGround is your first step and will not empty your bank account.

47) Launch An Affiliate Marketing Business

Affiliate marketing is recommending products and services to an audience for a commission.

Creating these products is none of your concern – all you must do is recommend them.

Currently, affiliate marketing is one of the best business ideas you can start to make money online. Get professional training first, though – you can begin this one for free.

48) Publish A Book

Alright, I hear you – you don’t see yourself becoming the next best-selling author.

Be that as it may, you don’t need to be a professional writer to earn money from publishing a book.

As long as you have a passion and expertise on a topic, you can learn the best practices for publishing and marketing a book/e-Book.

Tools like Sqribble will make the process as easy as it can get. Learn more about it from my Sqribble review.

See Also: How To Make Money Selling eBooks Online

49) Offer Photography Services

Do you know how much a professional photographer earns for working on a single wedding? Hopefully, you do.

In case you are more than decent with the camera, don’t sit on these skills:

Let them earn for you – I highly doubt you’ll ever regret it.

50) Become An Instagram Influencer

The last time I checked, many Instagram influencers earn thousands of dollars per post.

Chances are, you wouldn’t say no to such an income.

Then, launching a career as an Instagram influencer is something you need to begin working on as soon as possible.

Before you do that, check other lucrative Instagram business ideas.

Low Start-Up Cost Small Business Ideas From Home

51) Cleaning Services

Cleaning is an everyday activity, and many prefer not to do it themselves. If you love to clean, turn this passion into an income source by starting a cleaning business.

52) Personal Chef

Use your devotion to cooking and consider offering your cooking expertise to individuals who need help with meal planning.

53) Food Cart/Food Truck

easy small business ideas get a food truck

Buy or lease a truck that will suit your needs, and try your luck with this cheaper alternative to a restaurant.

54) Become A Dog Walker

A dog walking side hustle can become an easy small business idea if you add training and overnight boarding as available services.

55) Pet Grooming

Another way to earn from your love for pets is to advertise and market your pet grooming abilities.

56) Moving Small Business Ideas

Renting two trucks can go a long way if you use them to offer local moving services.

57) Tour Guide

Working as a tour guide is a good way to boost your income – the side gig can become a profitable business if you have the budget to hire travel agents.

58) Car Detailing Business

How do washing and waxing cars sound to you? Going with this business idea has barely any start-up cost.

59) Personal Trainer

Tutorials and videos from personal trainers are all over the web these days. There is room and demand for your personal training skills, too!

60) Makeup Artist

Register as a makeup artist or professional stylist at on-demand beauty apps and see how that goes before opening a salon. Offering beauty services is a good small business idea for college students.

61) Virtual Assistant

Professional virtual assistants charge over $50 an hour while working from the comfort of their homes.

62) Give Yoga Classes

Paying for a studio is not necessary if you want to offer yoga teaching lessons – you can do it online.

63) Become A Life Coach

Helping others is an honorable thing to do. It’s a profitable one as well!

64) Massage Therapist

If you have a license to work as a massage therapist, consider marketing services where you bring your skills to the customers.

65) Interior Designer

Do you need me to tell you how lucrative an interior design business can be?

66) Property Manager

A property management business is an excellent opportunity to create a reliable income source.

67) Carpet Cleaning Small Business Ideas

Don’t underestimate this business idea – its earning potential is through the roof!

68) Junk Removing Business

junk removing business

If you don’t mind removing junk from people’s homes, offering such services will be worth it.

69) Lawn Care Services

Planting flowers and mowing lawns is a great business idea for people with a green thumb.

70) Senior Companion Services

Offering companionship to senior citizens is worth the look if you can handle the job.

Unique Small Business Ideas

  1. Medical Courier Service: Decent time managing skills, a vehicle, and you’re ready to start transporting medical items!
  2. Craft Brewery: With over 95% rise in the popularity of microbreweries in the USA, it’s time to launch your own.
  3. Start A Charitable Business: Do some research, and you’ll see the money factor in the non-profit organizations.
  4. Create A Membership Program: While not unique, this business idea is not as popular as it should be.
  5. Become A Virtual Event Planner: You already know about event planning, but maybe you should consider doing it virtually.
  6. Offer Phone Accessories: Who doesn’t use a mobile device these days?
  7. Sell Subscription Boxes: The subscription boxes business is not about creating products to sell but rather curating them.
  8. Launching A Clothing Line: Starting a clothing line is not a new business idea. Still, many people get intimidated by the thought of having a clothing line.
  9. Tour Operator: Every tour has an operator behind it.
  10. Used Boat Sales: Selling used boats is a fun and profitable business idea.
  11. Gift Basket Business: Sending a gift basket requires a person to prepare it first.
  12. Chocolatier: Test your candy-making skills and watch the money come in!
  13. Party Bus: Get your party bus – it won’t cost you a fortune.
  14. Antique Dealer: Antique enthusiasts are not going anywhere any time soon.
  15. Build A Job Fair Business: Rent space to companies for trade shows.
  16. Domain Name Trading Business: I suggest reading everything about domain trading first.
  17. Make Candles: Making and selling candles will bring you profits if you do it right.
  18. Give Lessons As A Music Teacher: Share your music skills with others and get paid for the effort.
  19. Remodel Basements: Basements are creepy, but someone has to remodel them!
  20. Get Into Homestaging: Relatively fresh, this business idea has high-income potential.
  21. Work As A Mobile DJ: Bring the party to people who will pay you for it.
  22. Offer Window Treatment Services: Such a business will become lucrative if you put in the work.
  23. Start A Drone Business: Do I have to tell you how popular drones are now?
  24. Build A Miniature Golf Course: No worries, many people will pay to use it.
  25. Think About Launching A Fortune Cookie Business: The fortune cookie industry is growing constantly.
  26. Produce And Sell Homemade Jam: A large market for homemade jams exists.
  27. Install Fences: Many people are willing to pay someone to install fences.
  28. Do Home Inspection: Most people don’t invest in a new property before an inspection.
  29. Deliver Balloons: Yes, delivering balloons is a profitable business idea.
  30. Provide Expert Tips On Online Dating: Can you imagine the amount of work you’ll have as an online dating consultant?

Most Successful Small Business Ideas FAQs

What Is The Most Successful Small Business To Start?

  • IT Services
  • App Development
  • Tax Consulting
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping
  • Food Trucks & Food Stands
  • Landscaping

What’s The Easiest Business To Start?

  • Make & Sell Candles
  • Sell Handmade Crafts
  • Home Staging
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Print-On-Demand Business
  • Monetize A Blog

What Is The Cheapest Business To Start?

  • Delivery Services
  • Pool Cleaning Services
  • Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Business
  • Graphic Design Services
  • Tutoring Business
  • Online Store
  • Delivery Services

What Kind Of Business Is Best To Start?

Best Small Business Ideas:

  • Life Coaching
  • Personal Trainer
  • Freelance Developer
  • Online Dating Consultant
  • Handyman Services
  • Woodworking

My Closing

I hope that my list of small business ideas will serve you well.

With that said, don’t lose your determination if the first business idea you try doesn’t work out:

There is always another one!

Write your thoughts about the most profitable business ideas in the comments below!

See Also: Top Business Ideas For Women

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