Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review: Features, Pricing & Alternatives

jaaxy keyword research tool review jaaxy features pricing and alternatives

Tons of serious stuff is coming in this Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review – that much you should know from the start.

If you plan to build an online business, one of the first things you must do is learn how to conduct proper keyword research.

Don’t underestimate the importance of expertise in working with keyword research tools:

Knowing how to pick winning keywords that will easily rank your content online might be the difference between the success and failure of your business.

After all, doing fruitful keyword research while using the best keyword tool is one of the most important jobs you’ll have to deal with as a blog owner.

In this Jaaxy Review, we’ll take a look at the tool’s features and how they’ll advance your business further.

Today, you’ll learn all there is to know about Jaaxy:

  • What is Jaaxy, and how does it work?
  • Is Jaaxy a free keyword research tool?
  • Should you invest in Jaaxy Pro or Jaaxy Enterprise?
  • Are the free alternatives to Jaaxy better?

This post contains affiliate links – see my affiliate disclosure here.

Recommended Read:

Why Does Using The Best Keyword Research Tool Matter?

Nowadays, the competition online is fierce, savage, and will eat you alive.

Over 4 billion people use the Internet daily, and most of them don’t just browse around aimlessly:

No, they create content, launch businesses, invest in online courses, and buy products or services.

Speaking of newly-created online businesses, do you have any idea how many of them pop up on the web daily?

According to statistics, 4.5 million businesses were launched online in the previous year – and that’s in the USA alone.

These days, even with no tech background or previous experience, you can still learn how to earn on the web with the proper training and education.

But should you bother?

Billions of active Internet users translate into a limitless pool of potential customers. However, that means tons of competition too.

How could you leave a mark when everyone and their grandmother are buying domain names and starting businesses?

Plus, what kind of magical keyword research you’ll have to implement so your business would outrank theirs?

Actually, magic has very little to do with it:

Reasons To Use The Jaaxy Keyword Tool

Let’s face it – if your site is relatively new, the search engines have no reason to believe yet that your business is here to stay.

Subsequently, outranking your competitors is extremely difficult to achieve, even if the content they put out there is mediocre at best.

Long story short, if you want your articles to rank on the first page of Google, you’ll need any advantage you can get.

And that advantage is easy to gain once you realize that the best keyword research strategy is going after the high-traffic keywords with low competition.

Such keywords (also known as golden nuggets) are nearly impossible to find.

Not if you have access to Jaaxy, though:

Providing you with a never-ending cycle of lucrative keywords is one of the main reasons to use Jaaxy.

Other reasons are that Jaaxy will show you the best keywords you can target to rank online. It will also reveal to you what keywords your competitors use to gain rankings.

More importantly, Jaaxy will constantly provide you with the most relevant keywords your readers are actively searching for when they browse online.

Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review – The Basics

jaaxy keyword research tool review - introduction of the product

Basically, Jaaxy is a keyword research tool that stands out from its competitors on many levels.

The tool drastically reduces the time and work volume that normally goes into finding informational and purchasing intent keywords.

One of Jaaxy’s biggest advantages is that it helps you discover unique long-tail keywords you can use to give the upper hand to your online business.

It doesn’t matter if you’re one step away from starting a blog or you already have an established site:

Jaaxy will give you access to all keyword data you need with a few easy clicks.

You can test Jaaxy for free now if you’re impatient to see the tool in motion.

What Is Jaaxy?

First and foremost, Jaaxy comes from a team of affiliate marketers who want to assist SEO experts, internet marketers, and bloggers with keyword research.

Currently, thousands of business owners choose to trust Jaaxy with managing keywords, lists, and competitor analysis.

With that said, Jaaxy will help you with so much more than a keyword research process.

For example, the tool will provide you with unique niche ideas and memorable domain names for your future website.

By gathering data from the three biggest search engines (Google, Bing, and Yahoo), Jaaxy will offer you the crucial information you can use to market your keywords to your target audience.

More importantly, the tool will show you how to easily work with that information since it’s beginner-friendly and simple to use.

What Does The Jaaxy Keyword Tool Do?

what is jaaxy

Aside from keyword research, Jaaxy has many other functions.

While I’ll explain them in detail later in this Jaaxy keyword research tool review, I think I should show you some of the things the tool can do right now:

  • Show you little-known and untapped blog niches that will attract tons of traffic
  • Let you brainstorm niche and main keywords ideas
  • Protect your current keyword research by saving the data into lists (the lists are organized by topics)
  • Help you find domain names you can flip for profit
  • Discover profitable affiliate programs that make sense for your niche
  • Prevent you from starting a blog into a niche that doesn’t provide enough monetization opportunities

Alright, that seems like a lot, but do Jaaxy’s functions make it better than other keyword tools?

Let’s touch on that for a second, shall we?

Jaaxy Vs. Google Keyword Planner

By all counts, Google Keyword Planner is the number one choice for keyword research tool for many marketers and bloggers.

I get why thousands of content creators prefer to work with Google Keyword Planner:

GKP has a free version you can take advantage of without paying anything. Also, the tool does a good enough job of displaying basic keyword data.

Some of that data lets you know whether the competition for a specific keyword is low or medium.

However, Google Keyword Planner doesn’t let you know the exact number of sites you’ll have to compete with to rank for the keyword you have in mind.

Well, that’s one of the areas where GKP falls short. Meanwhile, Jaaxy passes the same test with flying colors:

Each time you use Jaaxy, the tool will show you the exact number of blogs trying to rank for the keyword you want to rank for as well.

How Does Jaaxy Work?

OK, it’s time for my Jaaxy keyword research tool review to show you how to use the tool to find the best keywords before you write any piece of content.

To clarify, I’m using Jaaxy Lite since that version of the tool comes with my type of Wealthy Affiliate membership.

That doesn’t matter a lot, though:

Even if you sign up to use Jaaxy for free, your keyword results won’t differ too much from mine.

I’ll have to use an example to show you the full extent of Jaaxy’s capabilities.

Considering weight loss is one of the most lucrative niches, plugging these keywords into Jaaxy will provide tons of valuable information if losing weight is your niche.

what is jaaxy and how does it work example

Chances are, the data you see in the screenshot above doesn’t mean much yet, so let me explain the features and their relevant numbers:

1) Keyword

Every time you run a keyword through Jaaxy, the tool will suggest other long-tail keywords that might be better options.

2) AVG

AVG is short for the average number of searches your keyword gets per month.

To clarify, AVG will show you the collective search traffic on Google, Bing, and Yahoo monthly.

3) Traffic

As you can probably guess, the traffic metric gives you an idea of the number of views your article will get if it ranks on page one of the search engines for the keyword you test at the moment.

4) QSR

QSR comes from Quoted Search Result.

With that said, the QSR feature is what differs Jaaxy from the rest of the keyword research tools:

Basically, the QSR will let you know how many other sites will compete with you to rank for the keyword.

If you look at the screenshot above, you’ll notice that the QSR for weight loss is 135.

That tells you that weight loss is a high-competition keyword, and ranking for it will be challenging.

Subsequently, you should probably pick another keyword to create an article around it.

Keep in mind – the best keywords to go for should have a QSR of 100 or lower.

5) KQI

KQI is another way of saying a Keyword Quality Indicator.

Jaaxy’s keyword quality indicator uses colors to inform you about the quality of the keyword you run through the tool.

These colors and their meaning for any keyword are easy to understand:

Red is bad, yellow is OK, and green is good.

Needless to say, you should always pick keywords that turn green when you press on the KQI feature.

6) SEO

Hopefully, you’re paying attention because this Jaaxy keyword research tool review is at one of its most essential moments.

And that moment is about explaining how to use the SEO feature of the tool.

In short, the SEO score of your keyword shows the combined data of traffic and competition.

The higher SEO score your keyword gets, the better that keyword is to use.

Using weight loss as an example again, you can see that the SEO score of that phrase is 79 – that tells you to look at the relevant keyphrases for better options.

7) Domains

Generally, the Domains feature will show you available domains for your keywords, such as dot com, dot org, dot net, etc.)

8) Related Section

There isn’t much to say about the Related Section of Jaaxy – looking at it will help you discover related keywords.

9) Brainstorm Section

Brainstorm is a feature of Jaaxy that will allow you to find relevant search queries with just one click.

More Jaaxy Features

Alphabet Soup

alphabet soup feature and technique

Quite frankly, I find Alphabet Soup a pretty smart feature:

By all means, the AS is about using Google for more variations of your keyword.

This Alphabet Soup technique centers on Google Instant as a way to discover high-quality long-tail keywords.

Sometimes, adding a single letter to your keyword can make all the difference, and the Alphabet Soup will allow you to do just that.

Jaaxy Search Analysis

Earlier in this Jaaxy keyword research tool review, I told you about the Saved Lists feature and how it works – I won’t dwell further on it.

Instead, I’ll direct your attention to another valuable feature of Jaaxy – Search Analysis.

Currently, running a keyword through the Search Analysis feature will provide you with tons of data about the sites that rank for that keyword.

Some of that data includes the number of words, links on the site, backlinks, and Alexa Rank.

Having access to that data with one click is quite a valuable opportunity, especially if you combine it with using the Site Rank feature:

Site Rank

Undoubtfully, the Site Rank feature of Jaaxy is the biggest reason why this tool surpasses most of its competitors:

Site Rank allows you to type a keyword and place it into a site’s URL.

Then Jaaxy will show you how that site has performed in rankings in the past (week, month, and all the time).

Also, Jaaxy will let you track a specific keyword and receive notifications about it later.

Long story short, if you use the Search Analysis and the Site Rank features together, you’ll have a pretty good idea about how difficult it would be to rank in the search results for any possible keyword.

Jaaxy Affiliate Program

Well, what do you know – Jaaxy has an affiliate program that will let you earn money promoting the tool while working with it.

Depending on the type of account your referral will choose to create, your earnings from the Jaaxy affiliate program will differ.

Have a look at your estimated earnings as an affiliate of Jaaxy:

jaaxy affiliate program

Jaaxy Pricing

Jaaxy Starter (Free Trial): $0

  • 30 keyword searches + 30 Site Rank analysis
  • Affiliate programs finder
  • Keyword competition data + keyword list manager
  • Website analyzer
  • Brainstorm idea feed
  • 1 x speed

Jaaxy Pro: $49/Month

  • Sortable search results
  • Unlimited search history
  • Search Analysis
  • Manual QSR search + manual domain search
  • Alphabet Soup (15 letters)
  • 2 x Multi-Threaded Search
  • 2K Site Rank Analysis scans

Jaaxy Enterprise: $99/Month

  • 35 search results
  • 5 x speed
  • Automated QSR + Automated domain search
  • Alphabet Soup (50 letters)
  • 5 x Multi-Threaded Search
  • 10K Site Rank Analysis scans
  • Unlimited keywords lists

Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review – Jaaxy Pros And Cons


  1. User-Friendly: Jaaxy is incredibly simple to use.  All of the data is easy to digest, and even beginners can manage to work with the tool.
  2. Super-Fast: The tool takes seconds to display information about the keyword you’re researching. There is no need to lose time that you would spend better on a different aspect of your business.
  3. More Than Accurate: Jaaxy will present the most up-to-date search data from the three biggest search engines in the world.
  4. The Go-To Place To Find Keywords With High Traffic And Low Competition: I doubt you need me to explain how valuable that is.
  5. Compatible: Works on both PC and Mac
  6. Mobile-Friendly
  7. No Download Necessary: Using Jaaxy doesn’t require installing any software.
  8. Tech Support Available: Feel free to ask for help and assistance if you need any.
  9. Free Trial: You don’t have to pay anything upfront to start using Jaaxy – you can run your first 30 searches free of charge.


  1. You Can’t Choose Whether You’re Targeting Global Or Local Search: And that will affect certain types of businesses.
  2. Changing The Language Is Not Possible: Unfortunately, Jaaxy is available in English only.
  3. Not Completely For Free: After the free trial is over, you’ll have to pay to keep using the tool (Wealthy Affiliate members have constant access to Jaaxy for free).

Get Jaaxy Today

Who Is Jaaxy For?

  • Newbie bloggers
  • Niche site builders
  • Owners of established businesses
  • Affiliate marketers
  • Internet marketers
  • Marketing agencies
  • Domain/site flippers
  • Link building specialists
  • Content creators

Jaaxy Alternative

  • Semrush (Plans start from $119/month)
  • Ahrefs (Plans start from $89/month)
  • Moz (30-day free trial, plans start from $99/month)
  • Serpstat (Plans start from $55/month)
  • Secockpit (Plans start from $25/month)

Jaaxy Free Alternative

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Trends (partially)
  • Ubersuggest

Who Is The Owner Of Jaaxy?

Actually, Jaaxy has two owners – Kyle and Carson, the founders of Wealthy Affiliate

They spent a long time developing the tool, and the results speak for themselves.

Considering the whole Wealthy Affiliate Community uses the tool for free, 24/7 professional tech support is always available.

On top of that, Jaaxy goes through updates regularly to keep its high standards intact.

Need Help With Starting an Online Business?  Read My Free Guide To Give You a Hand!

My Closing

Hopefully, my Jaaxy keyword research tool review contains the type of info you need at this exact moment.

Make no mistake, doing keyword research the right way with an excellent tool is a must if you take your online business seriously.

Therefore, you should always aim for the best tools to make that job easier!

Do you have any questions about Jaaxy?

Is there something you didn’t really understand about the tool?

Let me know in the comments section, and I’ll explain everything!


  1. Great article and website! I like your niche as well! I love Jaxxy! I use it through wealthy affiliate and I have no problems with it! It has a lot of great option and features as well as plans available! It is the best keyword research tool on the internet! Thank you for writing this great article! Keep up the great work on your website!

    1. Thank you so much, Timothy!
      I love Jaaxy too, can’t imagine doing my work without it.
      Thanks for stopping by.
      Best of luck moving forward with your business!

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